saying goodbye…

I know she is just a dog, but it’s crazy how quickly they grow in to your life and put a stronghold on your feelings. Today, our sweet Abbie girl is going away. It pains me to write this, but it’s even more painful to know she is in pain. Being an adult sucks. LOL! Her life has been perfect and flawless, so to prolong any experiences with her possibly being in pain, is not a question. She had a seizure yesterday, and since then she isn’t the same.

It’s time.

So from here, I think of the wonderful times we have spent with her. Each time we have brought the girls home from the hospital, she was perfect with them. Every time they climbed on her, she was gentle. Every time they were rough with her, she tolerated it. Not once did she nip or bite. She IS perfect.

And perfect she will be remain…in our hearts and in our minds.1380593_10151999758089319_1114929175_n

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  1. I am so sorry for your loss! I could not imagine losing our fur baby Max. I do not look forward to that day… I know just how much pets become family members! Prayers sent your way!

  2. Oh man, I am so sorry. My first baby is in the winter of his life too – and I can’t even think about it. I’ll be praying for your family – she was more than just a dog, no doubt about it.