putting my phone down…

Our kids need us. They don’t want to see the tops of our heads any more. This was made so incredibly apparent at Lili’s gymnastics camp today. While being away at BlogHer for 5 day (yes…..5 days away from my little ladies and my man!!!), I thought during her camp would be a good time […]

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a road trip? soon….

My Lili is now 6 years old.  Man has the time flown.  She is discovering and learning so much every single day.  I’ve never felt so close to her but at times have never felt so far away.  With the hustle and bustle of our life, I feel that sometimes I look to her as […]

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i’m buying some mace!

(forgive me, my period button is broke on my keyboard) I’ve talked about it for a while now, but the time has come  I read today on Another Mother Runner about a young mom of 3 (pregnant with her 4th) being brutally killed on a run  You can read what I read HERE  It’s horrible!  […]

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Coming out…

Well here in the blogosphere, nothing is official until it’s on your blog. So, let’s make this blog official. I said goodbye to this, this morning: And I said hello to this: Yah, she is pretty. She is CONVENIENT. (This is in uppers because it’s a joke between Mike and I. Anyone that we talked […]

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when is knowing too much, too much?

I believe I am at that point when it comes to food. I know just enough to be dangerous. 🙂 I am not a pro.  I like to provide healthy food for my family but with all the “ideas” out there, how do you know what is best?  Go organic?  Go “all-natural””  And the list […]

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