I love the end result, I just don’t like the process. I remember when Lili got her ears pierced as well, she was about 18 months old. Mike DID NOT want to be any where near where we were getting it done, however he too wanted the end result…A precious little girl with adorable earrings.
Well, we jumped the gun a little this time with Adalynn and didn’t wait until she was 18 months. Instead, she was about 2 weeks older than her 1st birthday (May 27 to be exact). We went with her girlfriend Stella (they are 3.5 weeks apart in age). Stella’s mom, Christina, wanted Stella’s earrings done for her 1st birthday. It was just enough motivation for me to get it done. Adalynn is a bit of a drama queen right now, so the process was quite dramatic for her, but the end result was just as anticipated. ADORABLE!! These girls will love looking back at these pics some day!! 🙂

The Grandma’s had to get in on the action too! Well, I bet they didn’t want to be there, but I know that Christina and I SURE DID like having the support! (When Adalynn was getting her piercings done, I looked over to my Mom and she was looking the other way – matter of fact, I think she tried to talk me out of doing it a couple times!) 🙂
1 Comment
and she looks adorable with them! 🙂