Lili’s New Bike!

We were out as a family briefly last night and just happened to walk through Dick’s because we needed the elevator. It was the closest one to where we were at. Mistake #1. 🙂

We had to walk past the bikes, Mistake #2.

Mike has been talking about getting Lili a new bike because the one she learned on was getting too small for her now. He kept telling me that she was pedaling as fast as the bike would let her and she needed something more so she could go faster. Or something like that at least. 🙂 Anyways, this bike was calling both my husband’s name as well as Lili’s. Well, there was actually a princess bike that Lili liked more but Mike quickly programmed her to this new Diamondback. LOL! Anyways, they are both happy now, and Lili is going much faster. I still can’t believe she learned so young to ride a two wheeler (she wasn’t yet 3.5 when she learned). I guess it is in her blood (as Mike says).

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