a 19 week picture…and the wive’s tales say…

I have everyone and their brother asking me if I think this baby is a boy.  I honestly have NO clue what to think.  Naturally, because I already have three girls, I would assume it’s another girl.  But, part of me thinks it definitely could be a boy.  You know, 50/50 chance, right?

I thought it would be fun to test out some of the tried and true wive’s tales so I did a little “research” (because when you consult Google, can we REALLY call it research??).  Here are my findings….

Chinese Birth Calendar
I found so many different calendars so I did three and took the majority.  Those said BOY.

Pencil Test
I was at my girlfriend Cheryl’s house last night and we got out the pencil and need and thread.  This one said GIRL.

The one about having more headaches.  If that’s true, I would say yes…and that means BOY.

I think my nose is the same size, and it’s said that if it is getting bigger, then it’s a boy.  So this one is GIRL.

If your feet are colder than normal, the guess is boy.  This one is BOY for me…

Dry Hands
Are your hands dryer than normal?  Seems like I can’t keep enough lotion on mine!  This answer for me is BOY.

Morning Sickness
No morning sickness is boy and morning sickness is girl.  I have been nauseous but haven’t thrown up at all.  I threw up at most 2 times with each of my girls.  Sooo…I have no clue on this one LOL!

It’s said that if you are extra moody and emotional, it’s a girl. Mike has mentioned how I haven’t been as crazy with this pregnancy…so BOY.

So, there you have it.  The consensus with these few Wive’s Tales that I have done tell me I am having a BOY.

I am not going to go out and buy some cabbage and inspect my urine.  Instead, we will wait until what the ultrasound tells us.  I hope we are able to find out. If not, come January (either way!) we will know for sure!! 🙂  What little “tests” have you done?  Talk to me 🙂

Also, here is 19 weeks.  Next week you will see me either next to PINK or BLUE balloons!! 🙂19 weeks

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  1. I think a healthy baby is the best baby, BUT… I have done the pencil test on at least a dozen friends and it has proven to be correct EVERY time!! 🙂 Can’t wait to find out!

  2. Gotta be a BOY! I’m going on the odds and the no morning sickness and you look like you’re carrying all upfront. Hooray….SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!