16 Weeks Pregnant : UPDATE!

If you are interested in following our pregnancy journey, you can start with the original post HERE. I have since blogged at 12 weeks and now…16 weeks. Here are a couple pictures to start things off. Lili is my photographer. She takes all the pictures. Kinda a fun activity for her and I ๐Ÿ™‚

Lili really wanted a picture too…I thought it was kinda cute ๐Ÿ™‚
14 wks 114 wks 3

16 wks 2


Here is an update on my pregnancy so far. I loved how Jaime (a fellow SIMPLE blogger) kept us all up to speed. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the idea Jaime!

How Far Along: 16 weeks

Total Weight Gain in 16 weeks: 4 lbs.

Sleep: Sleep has decreased a little. I think it’s because things in my body are stretching and I now have to sleep on my side. I am not a good side sleeper. Hate it actually. Thankful for the Body Pillow I have been using. Seems like I wake often throughout the night to re-situate myself.

Best Moments for these weeks: I always look forward to my monthly appointments with Dr. Taber. He is just the best! Second thing, the girls are talking more about the baby. Adalynn will just walk up to me and lift my shirt and say her version of “baby. Pretty cute.

Gender: Not sure! Still not sure if I want to find out. I just think that would be SO thrilling in delivery to wait and see…what is it, what is it!! Ultrasound has been scheduled, so we have approximately 4 weeks to battle this out! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I will admit, I am bending a bit. I will blog more about this later…

Food Craving: Mozzarella sticks…LOL! But, I have had so many now I’m not really craving them anymore. I had some from Applebee’s and they just don’t compare to Arby’s (in my opinion), so it kinda ruined the taste for me.

What I Miss: Fitting into some of my slimmer jeans.; I’m still not in maternity, but things are starting to get snug! No complaints here though. I guess I’m just at that awkward stage where I just look fat and things don’t look right on me ๐Ÿ™‚

Looking Forward To: Feeling the baby move more consistently as well as the ultrasound. Even though I’m not sure I will find out. It’s still so nice to see the little one ๐Ÿ™‚

*A little nauseous here and there still. Mainly at night.
*The headaches have subsided a bit, but here and there they still pop up. Ugh!
*Still “uber” tired! I do not like this. I’m not used to being this tired….that’s the problem I am sure…I go, go go!
*My muscles keep yelling at me after I work out. I have changed to working out every other day now at most.

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