All "signs" lean towards boy…

…so that probably means it’s another GIRL! 🙂

Which we would be completely fine with. Besides, we know what to do with girls. I would love a house full of girls. But at the idea of having a little boy, that is kinda fun too! Would certainly change the dynamics a bit.

Everyone except two people have said they think I am having a boy. I don’t know if that’s because we already have two girls or if they really just feel it’s a boy. Who knows!

We did that ring test think where you put the wedding ring on a string and it circles or goes in a straight line depending on the sex of the baby. That shows boy.

The heart rate is 138 as of the latest doctor appointment, which is lower than both of my girls. And that normally leads towards a boy. HOWEVER, my sister had a very low heart rate when she was still in my mom’s tummy…and obviously she isn’t a boy.

I also did the Chinese Birth Calendar…BUT that one said GIRL.

So…who really knows!

I will be ABSOLUTELY THRILLED with a happy, healthy baby, boy or girl. I mean look at these babies…aren’t they the sweetest things ever!! 🙂

This is Lilianna coming home from the hospital…
Lilianna -138

This is Adalynn coming home from the hospital…

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1 Comment

  1. I'm still undecided on this… I was convinced Dani was a little boy, I even asked the ultrasound tech "how sure are you?" when she told us Dani was a girl. If I couldn't guess correctly for my own baby how good of a guess can I make for yours? AHHH!!! It's so hard to decide… boy? uhhh girl? 🙂