Fit Just for Our Princesses!

We had the opportunity to bring the girls down to Disney on Ice – Princess Wishes at the Van Andel Arena this morning.

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We had a wonderful time!  Lili is absolutely OBSESSED with ice skating right now.  (And if you follow me on Facebook and Twitter, you will already know that as watching Ice Princess is a bi-weekly experience!)

Lili was SO happy at one point, there were tears in her eyes and one went rolling down her cheek.  She is my sensitive little peanut.

Adalynn on the other hand, did great the first part…and then the second part we just walked around.  She is just getting over a cold, so nap time was very needed…and we weren’t home!  Other than a HUGE meltdown in the middle of the arena while walking around, she honestly did pretty well.

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Everyone went down for a two hour nap as soon as we got home.  It was heavenly!!

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