A bath should be relaxing…

Yes, yes it should. However when you have boots on both feet that can’t be removed….no relaxing. Actually quite a workout. My sister is still stumped how I’m actually able to take a bath. Thankfully my tub is close to the ground and not a claw foot or anything like that.

I sit on the edge, lean back far enough so I can catch myself on the far side of the tub’s edge. From there I slink down into the tub, careful NOT to get either of my feet in or near the water.

Once in the tub, I lean back getting my hair wet and applying shampoo and condition while in a CONSTANT ab crunch. Again, I keep my feet on the edge paying special attention to be sure my feet don’t take a dip.

Then I fill up a bucket to rinse my head and the rest of my body.  Mike wanted to help, but I told him he could NOT see me this vulnerable.  It’s quite humbling…

Let your imagination wander and begin laughter as you are trying to picture this entire fiasco.

Lovely, just lovely.

This is how I feel…yup…

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  1. I remember how much you hated it when you had one foot to keep track of. I can't imagine how you're doing that with both feet needing to stay out of the water. You're going to have abs of steel when those boots come off! 😉