When I first started thinking about running my marathon, I was saying to everyone “it’s just something I want to do – something on my bucket list!” Most of their reactions were simple…why would running 26.2 be on your bucket list? Pretty comical really since I knew many of their reactions before they even said them.
Well, while it was on my bucket list, I never took the time to actually write out my bucket list!
It wasn’t until recently that I saw a post my friend Wiebke wrote on her blog about her bucket list. It got me to thinking, why isn’t mine wrote out? How on earth can I imagine doing anything if I can’t see it? If it’s not wrote out, is it even a reality? When making goals in life/fitness/family/business, it’s always been said you are going no where if you have no goal or direction in sight. Well my husband and I have always said we will do nothing unless there is a written plan of action.
So here’s to my life’s goal – my bucket list {part I}:
:: FAMILY :: (5)
:: FITNESS :: (4)
Run a Marathon – DONE!
Run a Half Marathon
Run a 25K – DONE!
Run a 25K post foot and gastroc surgery