She’s just not herself…

Adalynn has been in a funk the last couple days.  I think it’s teething, but just not sure.  She is normally rip, roarin’ and ready to go!  She typically brings us her coat and shoes to get out of the house before we even have a chance to get her.

Well, lately she has been bringing us something…but it is her jammies.  She just wants to be in her jammies and that’s it.  We went out tonight (in this nasty rainy weather) and she was super cute!  As soon as we got home, she went to put her coat away and came out with her jammies.  It’s so funny really!

I tried keeping the clothes on her, and this is what I got…

So, the jammies went on, and this is what I got…

Silly little Adalynn! I hope she feels better and back to herself tomorrow! And wants to wear normal clothes!

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