I have a new love in clothing. See for yourself below. And you can read more tomorrow on SIMPLE. Pst…there is a WONDERFUL giveaway too that goes along with these pictures. Stop by SIMPLE on 5/22/12.
a dancin’ we will go!
Both Adalynn and Lilianna dance. They love it. We love it. It’s just perfect right now for our family of three little ladies. We received their recital outfits last week after dance. Of course had to try them on immediately. Aren’t they adorable?!?!
catch up {project 365 :: 112-117/365}
112/365 :: family night at our mall…riding the carousel with my girls 🙂 113/365 :: Lili played dress up with Preslee as I was putting Adalynn to bed LOL! 114/365 :: lame {taking pics for an online garage sale} 115/365 :: the best alarm clock ever 🙂 116/365 :: the tongue and the hair 117/365 […]
catch up {project 365 :: 103-110/365}
Here is a recap of my Project 365 to date!! 103/265 :: bubble guppies. Adalynn’s favorite show…as you can see: 104/365 :: mike took off for the weekend and I had to stay home this time. so that friday night, I did a little blogging with the best snack 🙂 and earlier that night…baby food making… […]
9 day catch up {project 365 :: 92-100/365}
I’ve been taking pictures, but getting them on here has been the challenge. So, here is to catching up! 92/365 :: angry birds. period. Enter to win over at SIMPLE right now too! 93/365 :: girls on swings 94/365 :: rain coats and sunny days 95/365 :: blue eyes 96/365 :: “quality” time 🙂 97/365 […]
hop {project 365 :: 90/365}
We got to watch Hop for a review I was running on SIMPLE (You can read them HERE and HERE). There is a giveaway going on now too…They all got these adorable little bunnies. They loved the movie. GREAT movie!
outakes {project 365 :: 88/365}
I was preparing for a review for Chalk City on SIMPLE. I had to take pictures of my girls, because that’s how I roll. I wanted to use this picture SO BAD, but decided not to. Here it is for you to see 😉
last minute play day {project 365 :: 75/365}
These two played in the cold water for close to an hour. Picking up sand. Throwing it back. They are SO sweet together. And, I love Adalynn’s butt crack LOL!
mother of the year {project 365 :: 68/365}
Here is how our conversation went upon me turning to see Adalynn like this after I was done talking to the mailman at our front door: Me: “Honey are you ok?” Adalynn: Through tears, “yah I think so! Help!” Me: “Ok, hang on one second honey, I’m going to go grab the camera.” Yup…Mother of […]
a first {project 365 :: 63/365}
We saw The Lorax tonight. It was Adalynn’s first movie at the theatre. She did pretty good 😉
organized {project 365 :: 62/365}
I was cleaning up Preslee’s room. Adalynn was helping…this is what I found.