Baby Girl McAvoy’s name…

Help us figure out and narrow down our names for our little girl!! Read the poll above and cast your vote!! 🙂 top domains . site not working

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  1. I voted for Adalynn. I think that is a really pretty name. Can't believe you have 2 weeks left…hope it goes fast for you!

  2. Thanks….I can't believe it either! I go in today to see the progress that is happening! Keeping all my fingers crossed that there is progress! 🙂 So excited for you guys and your baby girl on the way!!!

  3. Hey Shannon!! So no baby yet? I see you are all ready though, the rooms look adorable! I LOVE the baby press on the wall!! So… I need to put in my input on a baby name lol, I LOVE LOVE Adalynn!!! It is adorable and it goes good with Lilianna I think! So that is Eric & I's vote 😉 Hope you are feeling great and we are excited for the 3 of you guys and that sweet baby!!!!

  4. Thanks for the input…we are going to "wait" until we see her. It is testing my patience greatly!! 🙂 It will be fun though!! 🙂