Trunk or Treat with the Family

I am SO not a fan of Halloween but gosh…I just LOVE getting my girls dressed up in their outfits. How cute are they!! We went to a local park that has a Trunk or Treat event every year. We actually met our current chiropractor there last year. Anyways, it’s super fun for Lili. She gets to safely walk around and collect candy (aka straight sugar). The people passing out the candy are normally from local businesses or just from people who want to pass it out. It’s very fun…and it was a beautiful day!

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1 Comment

  1. Oh…. your daughter dressed as Super"woman"/girl is sooo adorable:) Her little boots are sooo cute:)

    I'm right there with you abut Halloween:) But while they are young and have safe/fun community and church activities… I'll continue to participate and enjoy them dressing up:)