My thoughts on "The Maxwell Daily Reader" for January 1st

You have to start somewhere. You may want to conquer the world but if the dishes in the sink keep piling up and the toilet and tub aren’t clean, I don’t think conquering the world is going to seem a viable task. I have a very huge heart and am always finding something tugging at my heart strings to help…whether it be a friend, a family member, a complete stranger I have talked to at the mall or a helpless animal, seems like I always want to drop what I am doing to help that person. (Problem number one now in my opinion, because now I am putting things off that I wanted to get done to fix this other problem). Well, if there are 400 million things that I really should be doing at my own home, what on earth am I doing wanting to help all these other people/things? I understand that the end goal in my head is good, but if I can’t keep my house in order (or my head for that matter) how do I think that I can help others? I really have to check myself often with that.

I have a to-do list that my husband always refers back to when I am feeling stressed out or pulled in too many different directions. I absolutely need one of these to feel organized in my life. I have never felt so good as to when I check everything off that to do list! In the book there is a quote “Start doing what is necessary; then do what is possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Some days when all the items that are on my to-do list are checked off, the house is clean, the kids have clean clothes on (and they are actually clean too) and it is a beautiful day outside…that right there seems like the impossibly in my opinion sometimes!! 🙂 We have to start with the small things and work up to the big things in our life.

All in my opinion….until the next one…

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