A picnic…why not?

I came into Adalynn’s room the other day after things got really quiet. I walked in to find that Lili had set up a “puff picnic” with her baby sister. SO CUTE!! I just love how these girls get along so well. I don’t think we have ever had a time when they haven’t gotten along. I just love how they love each other. Makes my life easier too. I was completely worried about having two babies and how I could love one as much as the other. It is an entirely different love that I have for both of them. I can say from the moment I saw Adalynn, my love for her was immense…as much as with my sweet Lili!! And the fact that they get along so well and adore each other is simply a wonderful gift from God!! 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. Oh girlie~ I so hope for you that they continue to get along! Mine did, then Molly got morphed, lol. They are the bestest friends and always defend and stick up for eachother then they fight over the dumbest things 🙂 Enjoy them while they get along!! They are sooo adorable!