Summer…will you please come for Lili’s sake, Please!!

Lili has been just itching to get outside! This weather is SO not fair on a 3 year old (I can say she is 3 for 3 more days so I’m going to!)! One day it is 80 degrees outside and the next it is almost freezing (literally, like 38 degrees). So, the last few days Lili has been very “helpful” in letting our dog Abbie outside. Well, I thought her intentions were to be helpful, but really they were selfish on her part. LOL! She was wanting to let the dog out so she could run outside too! Hilarious! I caught on pretty quickly though. The whole situations was very funny. She would go outside with Abbie, they would play for a very short amount of time and then come in. About 5 minutes later she would say “Mom…looks like Abbie has to go potty again!” And out they would go. I think it was just time enough to warm up and then they were off. Stinking hilarious!

So, I obviously had to get my camera. Check out her awesome hat…that is what actually made me get my camera. She was having so much fun and had this silly hat on. She thought it matched great and was keeping her plenty warm, I had to agree to keep peace 🙂

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1 Comment

  1. What a goof! Michaela keeps trying to go out on our balcony since it's the only door to the outside world she can access. She doesn't like that it got cold again either. 🙂