Book Review : 365 Days of Devotions for Kids!

I am always looking for books to read with my children.  And just recently I started my search for a great devotional that I could do with my children – my 4 year old specifically.  I then came across “Jesus Calling – 365 Devotions for Kids” from Booksneeze

I like this book because it starts off every day with a date, a subject, a scripture, then the message and finally a verse you can read on your own.  This book is great because it gives my daughter and I talking points. 

Here is what the back cover reads…

“The book you are holding will tie your heart to the Lord’s in a way you’ve never felt before.  Each daily devotion is base don Scripture and written as though Jesus were speaking directly to you!”

I think that pretty much sums it up!  A GREAT book if you are looking for one similar.  I give it 5 stars!

**Thomas Nelson publishers provided this book to me free as part of’s book review blogger program!**

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  1. Ya, it is super cute!! He will enjoy it. It's a little in depth, but it allows you to talk to him and teach him about things 🙂 I like it!