All things Diva!

I sure do love having girls!  It’s just so stinkin’ fun!  They love playing together and tend to always come up with something super fabulous to do!  Take today for example, check this out:


And yes, Adalynn looked up at her sister and saw how Lili does the hand on the face post and guess what, well you see.  Adalynn copied.  Oh boy!! 🙂

I love my girls!  Wonder what this next baby will be? 🙂  May have to learn to play with a boy….hmmm….THAT I am clueless about!! 🙂

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  1. LOL!!! I love that Adalynn is working her own "hand on face" pose. What a couple of goofs! (and totally adorable goofs at that!)

  2. I know, it's just pricesless isn't it. She seriously looked up at Lili to see what she was doing and then did "her" version of it. So cute! 😉