Parenting Top Ten

I saw this in my Parenting magazine, and just had to share it with you!

Top Ten Things No Child Has Ever Died From…

  1. Screaming his lungs out (the lungs don’t literally come out)
  2. Not getting the latest handheld, GPS-encoded musical thingamabob that all the other kids have (Even if all the other kids really, truly do have it)
  3. Eating cheese sticks exclusively from age 2 to 3
  4. Taking 30 seconds to think about what he’s thankful for before lunging for the sweet potatoes
  5. The heartbreak of a hopelessly twisted Slinky
  6. Having to put her arm around her brother for five seconds for your family Christmas-card photo
  7. Being left with – gasp! – Dad while you go off for a much-deserved girls’ weekend
  8. Seeing the Hannah Montana movie the day after it opens
  9. Having to wait til he’s older before he gets to use the pocket-knife his clueless uncle got him for his birthday
  10. Too many hugs and kisses

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  1. Oh yah, that's hilarious. My husband has come up with some great ideas too for younger nephews 🙂 I think they just forget the age thing 🙂