Mike Wants to Find Out…

A couple nights ago we were sitting in bed and Mike says to me…

“If we find out the sex, I’ll let you pick the name out for the baby!”  Yeah, he really wants to know.

I don’t want to find out this time.  We found out for both the girls, and this will be our last pregnancy.  I think not finding out is so special, so cool, one of the best surprises we could ever experience.

I don’t really care about preparing.  This is our third.  If it is another girl, clothes for the third time around are getting kinda shabby so they will mostly have to be replaced.  If it is a boy, we will have to get all new anyways.

Plus, I will be having this baby in July, there will not really be a need for preparation as far as clothes are concerned.  A diaper will be quite sufficient in the warm weather.

Anyways, opinions?  What did you guys like about finding out and not finding out?

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  1. Good luck choosing! On one hand, it would be fun to not find out what you're having this time around. On the other hand, being able to choose the name is HUGE! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Yah, we will come to an agreement sooner or later. ๐Ÿ™‚ The excitement of not finding out just is really cool right now. Who knows, it may wear off and all this thinking about it will be for not ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Ohhh tough decision….I think you MIGHT change your mind when you get an ultrasound…who knows maybe not…but the fact that you can find out right then could push ya…
    I found out both times just because I am one that needs to be prepared and I just have to know. If I had a 3rd which I WILL NOT…I would find out…hehe

  4. Oh, don't find out, that was the best not knowing for both of the girls! I say don't find out!! ๐Ÿ™‚


  5. Haha…I just sent you an email asking if you were going to find out the sex before I saw this post! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The anticipation would kill me…I feel tortured enough waiting 20 weeks to find out the sex, lol! I CAN'T WAIT to find out. ๐Ÿ™‚

    What's your gut feeling about the sex of this one? I think I'm having another boy, but Jon thinks its a girl.

  6. we have never found out and am a lover of surprises…i also say momma usually can tell. if you had a feeling about your girls being girls…you will know what this one is. i knew in my gut what we were having each time. and really…they are a a blessing either way…so why know ahead of time????!!! good luck deciding!