Potty Training Day #3!!

IMG_5493Ok, so I am a little late.  I should have posted last night, but I sat on the couch with my sweet hubby who went out and picked up a movie and my favorite ice cream.  We BOTH deserved that time on the couch…doing NOTHING!!  It was awesome! 🙂

Anyways….Houston, we have SUCCESS!!!!

I am SO proud of Adalynn.  She is such a trooper!  Day 2 was hard, but it’s just like any of my friends as well as Lili, Day 2 is super hard for the all kiddos with the 3daypottytraining.com method.

We have not had any MAJOR accidents throughout this whole process.  We maybe had one or two little ones on the first day, with pee pee everywhere.  But the main things were the dribbling in the panties.  I was frustrated that it kept happening over and over and over….like minutes and seconds apart.  But once she got up on Thursday there was no more dribbling and no more accidents!  She hasn’t done either since Wednesday!!!  I’m so proud of her.

Here she is calling some people to tell she went potty like a big girl:


Yesterday we even ventured outside to play for a little while.  My parents had Lili since Tuesday night and she came home yesterday.  So, the girls and I and my Mom were all outside for a little bit.  Adalynn loved it, and I must admit that I did too!  Oh to get out of the house!!


I am a homebody, but I NEED to get out of the house at least every other day – if not every day LOL!  So this has been a little rough, but the end outcome is SO worth it!!!

So onto tonight, DATE NIGHT!  I can’t wait.  I hope she does well for the baby sitter.  I am a little nervous with the change.  But I figured it will be good for her too!  Fingers crossed!!

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