To share a room…

I had a wonderful opportunity to get a fantastic, beautiful, easy to assemble (and on and on and on), bunk bed for the girls to be featured on SIMPLE. Some of you knew about this already. Well, here she is!

Here is what I put together for their bow…there are a LOT of them:


Here is anotehr part of their room, the extra closet space is needed…old house with small closets 🙂


There is a cute little desk that is attached to the end of the bunk:


And there is stairs on the other end, aren’t they cute:


Lili’s upper bunk:


And Adalynn’s lower bunk:


The bed!! Isn’t she beautiful! It’s absolutely perfect for the room. The girls LOVE it!!


The official review will be up on SIMPLE on May 20th – a great day as that’s my birthday!! 🙂

They don’t quite share a room yet, but it is coming.  I NEED to schedule some potty training time for Adalynn and then after that, I will be moving her into the lower bunk.  I am hoping that by June she will be in there.  I don’t want her to associate the new baby with taking her bed.  Ya know?

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