Top 12 things to "de-clutter’ your life…

It’s almost the New Year and boy am I ready.   2011 was great, however I’m excited for 2012 to begin. Many new hopes!

In the meantime, I have been doing a little “de-cluttering” to make my life easier. Well, I hope it makes it easier! As I was doing all these things, I thought it would be nice if I shared them and maybe it can help you too?

Here is my summary of things you can do to “de-clutter” your 2012:

  1. Unsubscribe from all those emails you have been added to. Some intentionally and some…well, who knows how you got added! I started doing this right before foot surgery so I would have less to go through.
  2. Clean up your photo albums on your computer.  I am guilty.  I take TOO many pictures.  I do my best to keep up, but sometimes that’s impossible.  I am trying… 🙂
  3. While we are on the topics of photos, go and get all those pictures off the cameras people.  What if you drop that camera in the toilet or the bath tub or the kitchen sink…or some other body of water? Pictures will be gone….so go now.  I hope I have put the fear of God in you on this one.  Get those pictures off your camera and onto your computer.  Then, refer back to #2 above.  While you are at it, charge your cameras too.
  4. Delete all those good intended blog posts that are STILL sitting in your drafts section on your blog. They were good thoughts, but now they are old thoughts.  DELETE!
  5. Reorganize your blog labels.  Do you really need that many?  That’s what I am currently working on…
  6. PRIORITIES, PRIORITIES, PRIORITES.  What I mean by this. What do you place as #1, #2 and #3 in your life.  I urge you to write that out.  Then place a huge priority on these.  If something is getting in the way of one of your top, let’s say 5, priorities, maybe you need to see if what you are doing is really a priority and needs energy spent on it. (I really had to learn to do this when I was training for my Marathon.) If not, maybe just learn to say no.  Which leads me to my next point.
  7. SAY NO!  Yup, get better at that and … read #6 again.
  8. Unfriend.  Yup, you read that right.  Go through your Facebook list and unfriend some people.  Remember those people that are always downers?  UNFRIEND! You don’t need them bringing you down too?  Or those people who you really don’t know?  Do you really want them seeing pictures of you and your kids every time you publish them.  Just a thought.
  9. Don’t forget about all those companies that you “like” on Facebook so you can hopefully someday win something from them.  Take some time and go through and unlike some of those companies on Facebook too.  One to not delete however is SIMPLE.  Because SIMPLE rocks.  And great things are coming from SIMPLE in 2012!! 🙂
  10. This may be a daunting task for some, but take some time and clear out the people you follow on Twitter too.  If you do this right, you will be able to follow the ones you want to follow better…because they won’t be bogged down by all the people you just scan over anyways. Come on over and be friends with me on twitter if you aren’t already!
  11. Set goals.  Set some personal goals.  Set some business goals.  Set some family goals.  Set some physical health goals. Where will you go if you have not goal in mind?  And get on the same page as your spouse if you have one.  That will do loads of good for your marriage and family life (as well as mental). 🙂
  12. LAST…learn to love the life you are given.  Be thankful for everything and don’t dwell on what’s maybe not going right.  What’s not fair.  What’s not fun.  Just be thankful…more than you are now. (Yes, I’m talking to myself.)  And if you are thankful…help the rest of us be thankful too!
I wish you the best of luck in 2012!!  May God bless you and your family and any endeavor you set out to conquer!

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1 Comment

  1. Good thoughts Shannon! I just did #8 a month or two back- got rid of so many 'friends' and it feels great…though a few wanted to 'friend' me back which was akward 🙂