when is knowing too much, too much?

I believe I am at that point when it comes to food. I know just enough to be dangerous. 🙂 I am not a pro.  I like to provide healthy food for my family but with all the “ideas” out there, how do you know what is best?  Go organic?  Go “all-natural””  And the list goes on…

With everything I have learned, I feel bad giving my family food that I have read “once upon a time” about being bad.  I mean, am I the only one?  We never do partially hydrogenated anything or high fructose anything…but on the off chance that I allow my kids to eat fruit snacks that have high fructose in them, I feel HORRIBLE.  Like I seriously think about it.  And tonight…I’m making a roast for my family…but the meat is from Meijer.  I haven’t Instagramed or Facebooked any pictures because I don’t want someone to ask where I got my meat.  Weird.  I know.

How can I snap out of this?

I bought fruit, vegetables, chicken and beef at the store today.  I didn’t go to the health store to get this meat.  Going to the health food store about doubles/triples the cost.  In the back of my mind I am thinking “how much is your health and body worth?” But is eating this meat REALLY that bad for us?  I know what could be in it…. But what do you do?  Am I really hurting my family that bad by not getting this every time? I toil with this in my mind and sometimes it just gets out of control.  I don’t believe I am.
Just thinking out loud here.  I’m good about 95% of the time…but what about that 5% of the time.

I pray over my family, my food, our life.  I think there comes a point when we think TOO much.  And I am just “hearing” this for the first time as I type.  I think I have answered my own inquiry….

Your thoughts?

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  1. OH Shannon….I think about this on a daily basis…I stress over it daily…
    I can’t do to the health food store and by all natural food…I can’t…I can’t afford it. I do the best I can. I can only provide what I can and the best I can.

    I always think of when I was growing up…..my parents did have all this organic stuff and all natural meats and all this and all that…I’m fine…RIGHT? well somewhat…LOL I mean my parents are fine…they didn’t eat all that kind of stuff.

    Yes it is probably better for us…BUT if it isn’t do able all the time don’t beat yourself up over it…just because you got meat from Meijer…I go there all the time….

    You can only do what you can do….and that’s what’s best!!

  2. There is a lot out there that confuses us…especially those of us that want to do the absolute best when it comes to our families and what they eat…trust me, I’ve been through this! My journey has been about 4 years in the works, and although I feel that I am at a pretty good place, as far as being okay with the direction that I’ve taken us in our journey to eat healthy, there are sometimes when I get overwhelmed and feel like I should be doing more!

    After hours and hours of reading and research on different topics: PH, acidic vs. basic, vegan or vegetarian, gluten free vs. wheat free, artificial sweeteners or low glycemic or no sugars at all…I’ve come to realize that there is no way I can eat exactly the way that I’d like my family to eat…too expensive, too time consuming…in other words, too unrealistic.

    What fits best into your lifestyle? If you don’t buy foods with gluten or HFCS, but once in a while your kids consume it, ask yourself…will this kill them? Chances are the answer is “no”. Learn to pick your battles…prioritize the top 3 things that are most important to you when it comes to your family’s diet…if it’s organic meat, then make sure all your meat is organic, but if some of your veggies aren’t, then that’s ok. If it’s gluten free, then focus on that…but be sure that when you consider these things, think about the cost it will have on your lifestyle…can we afford to eat all of our meat organic? If we go dairy free, do I have the time to make my own milk, or will I have to spend a little more and buy it? Do I have time to do what I want? If I have to deviate from my “food priorities”, how will this affect my stress levels…things of that nature. Weigh out the pros and the cons, make your decision, and then stick to it…don’t second guess yourself, because in the long run, any change that you make towards a healthy lifestyle, will be beneficial to your family.

    Don’t stress, there are those who believe that stress is worse for your body than eating white sugar or non organic meat!

    And remember, you’re an amazing mother, who loves her family, and at the end of the day, those who judge you, don’t even really know you, or else they wouldn’t be judging the decisions you’re making…and who needs those people anyways! We sure don’t!