Just need a little more time…

I’m sure just about even mom out there says this exact thing.  Just a few more hours to get…..

  • the laundry done
  • the dishes washed
  • the windows cleaned
  • the house vacuumed
  • and oh yah, the toilet should be cleaned every now and then
  • more time with the kids reading, playing, cooking, learning
  • more time playing outside
And that is what i have to remember. It doesn’t really matter that the house is constantly trashed – even five minutes after EVERYTHING is clean and put away.  Never fails, it can only stay clean for so long.  I saw this awesome poster on Pinterest, and I couldn’t say it better:

Sorry for the Mess, but we LIVE here
Sorry for the mess, we are creating memories
(or something like that)

However, here is my dilemma. I have too much on my plate.  Things have to change.  I love change, I hate change.  But nonetheless, things have to change.

  • 3 kids
  • 1 husband
  • a dog…that should probably get a bath every now and then and eat, oh yah that too.
  • owner of SIMPLE Reviews – so commitments there
  • owner of Shannon Marie Photography
  • Help run a business with my husband
  • Just recently started taking on social media for hire for a couple local companies
  • There’s more, but too much on my brain to remember it right now!

I have a passion for photography, but unfortunately at this phase of my life, I believe it may be one of the things that has to go.  I love to do everything 100% and I feel that with all this, it just can’t happen.  I can’t fully commit and be 100% in ALL this. It’s wearing on me…

Have you dealt with this?  What had you done to make it all work out?

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  1. I feel the same way….I feel like I should give something up…but it is hard to decide on what it should be…Ya know.

  2. I have had to give up scrapbooking. Which is big for me! I love going thru pictures and making the memories come alive again on paper. But if I add one more thing to my already full plate….my husband would go crazy if he sees scrap paper on the floor WITH the already pieces of scrap yarn everywhere. 🙂 Some day, some day…when the kids can teach themselves and life gets slower, wait…its getting faster every day! 🙁 I guess I'll just keep taking pictures and try to never forget how my husband and little ones are my life and life needs me with them. Not every where else!

  3. Cleaning/Organizing my house gets put on the back burner often.

    I call myself lazy and not a planner, but the thing is, my day is extremely structured. I can share how I work with you if you want.

    And since my job is on the computer, yes, I set up my laptop up in the kitchen all day, so I can sneak in emails, jot down ideas, ect. throughout the day, so I'm not overwhelmed in the evening.

    Oh, and I don't watch TV and should work out more. 🙂