It’s almost the New Year and boy am I ready. 2011 was great, however I’m excited for 2012 to begin. Many new hopes! In the meantime, I have been doing a little “de-cluttering” to make my life easier. Well, I hope it makes it easier! As I was doing all these things, I thought […]
5 months already!
Where has the time gone. Every month when I take her “monthly pictures”, I think to myself….time flies! It truly does. I took a few pictures today. I love my Preslee. And I love my little ladies. And I love that they love each other. Oh mooshy smooshy me. On with the pics…
site may be down for 24 hours…
I am updating my domain name. It maybe down for at most, 24 hours. In case you were wondering 🙂
new layout…
I’m cleaning up. New background. Updated WHO I follow. So go and check them out. They are pretty cool. New labels. Will be updating photos. And more. Just need a couple more hours in my day. Then I’ll be there. For now…all is well…
Another BIG bow!
I just love ’em! LOL! They are so big, but SO fun! 🙂 Here is Preslee’s outfit from Christmas. I could just eat her up!! I’ll post more about Christmas later, but here is for starters. Outfit and bow from Anna’s Bow Shop, found on Facebook. Thanks Sarah!!
It’s CHRISTmas people!!!
I don’t know why but I am INCREDIBLY bothered this year with all the Happy Holiday’s nonsense. Dear goodness me!! It was Christmas years ago, it’s Christmas now and it will be Christmas in the future for me and my family!! My Lord and Savior is everything to my family and I. I can’t imagine […]
Me? Over do it? Nah…
And yet again I do too much. You think I would learn from my past, but in my situation the past keeps popping its head in the present 🙂 Surgery was Wednesday and here it is Monday night and my legs and feet are aching. Why do we do what we do? I hate pain […]
A bath should be relaxing…
Yes, yes it should. However when you have boots on both feet that can’t be removed….no relaxing. Actually quite a workout. My sister is still stumped how I’m actually able to take a bath. Thankfully my tub is close to the ground and not a claw foot or anything like that. I sit on the […]
today’s the day, bring on the knife…carefully!
At 9:00 am today I am going under the knife again. This time it will be on both my feet. In October of 2009 I had surgery on my right foot to remove a neuroma as well as lengthen my calf. Well, of all things, the neuroma in my right foot came back. Suck! Very […]
We had a Play Day and threw Christmas in the middle of it!
We had a play day today. It was our annual Christmas party too. This year we had some new friends join us and it was fabulous!! All the kids had a ball. They played, we ate some great food, decorated cookies and did a brand new version of a gift exchange. It was fun all […]
Grinch no more!
We have a tree…and it is up! I was so sure we weren’t going to do a tree this year simply because we have so much going on right now. Well, I broke the news to Lili and she just started crying! So, that afternoon we put up the tree. It was fun. My house […]
crocs :: buy one get one free on all sale items!
Yes, you read that correctly! So, of course I had to take advantage! Right now over at Crocs, you can get Buy One Get One Free on all sale items. If you like some of their sale items, this is a fantastic deal! My sister and I each got a pair of these: And seriously, who can […]