Here is another entry into the i {heart} faces weekly contest. This week the topic is “Props“. I just did a session and thought a few of the pictures from that session would be perfect. Well, here is the one I chose: Isn’t he just adorable!! If you want to see more of my photography […]
So kissable!
Isn’t she though? I just want to squeeze those cheeks!! – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
have you seen?
SO, have you seen? SIMPLE has a new look? Yup, it’s pretty cool. Check it out…and don’t forget to get registered for the giveaways going on now. There are a TON!!
Somewhere Between 36 & 37 Weeks :: UPDATE!
Less than a month to go and we will be holding our baby! I have been very lax in writing about my pregnancy the past few weeks. Actually my last update was at 29 weeks, and here I am somewhere between 36 and 37 weeks. Oh well I suppose, I’m sure you were all anxiously […]
How she rolls…
This is Adalynn how we found her Monday night…sleeping. Funny, right? – Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Adalynn, the rock star!
This kid doesn’t mess around. She wants to do things the first time I guess. Potty training was awesome, and now moving her to a big girl bed. We were SO nervous about it. We have “tried” a few times before, but really all we did was put her in the bed and say good […]
It’s summer…let’s go to the beach!
I am a water bug, and so are my kids. I remember as a kid just swimming all the time! We grew up on a horse “farm” and got creative daily when we wanted to swim. We went in the horse trough! Nothing wrong with that, right? We went to the beach on Saturday […]
i {heart} faces : photo entry
I go to i {heart} faces on a weekly basis. I Love it!! So many great tips and photos, it’s a great place for anyone that loves to take pictures! The topic for this week’s contest is “Let’s Hear It For The Boys!” I thought it would be fun to participate because I just had a […]
Donuts with Adalynn
Woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Hate it when that happens. I said that to Lili and she asked what the right side of the bed was? LOL! We decided total last minute….I’m talking 8:45… That we were going to have Lili go to princess dance camp this week. […]
10 Things Never To Say To A Mom…
OK, this is funny. Just had to share! Another re-post from Babble! Have you been caught saying any of these??? LOL! 1. “You look tired!”This just might be the worst phrase ever. No good can come of saying it. Feeling like crap is bad; getting confirmation of it, worse. Let’s all permanently delete the words […]
Betty Crocker has EVERYTHING on me!
So, I was going to be Betty Crocker today and make a bunch of things for my Mom’s piano recital tomorrow night. She teaches piano and has for 18+ years. They have the recital and then a bunch of goodies after. Here is where I wanted to contribute. I mean, I really wanted to help […]
When s%#* happens, blog it! :)
Ha Ha Ha, I just had to name it that. Sorry! Maybe it’s my slap happy mood that I’m in right now, and that’s the only reason the title was funny. Anyways… We started potty training at 2:00 on May 24th and Adalynn’s last accident to date was on May 25th in the afternoon! She […]