2010 and my Maxwell Daily Reader!

Mike and I just saw Julie and Julia…a fantastic movie. If you haven’t seen it, you can check out the trailer by clicking HERE. As with all movies, some people loved it and some hated it. I really did enjoy it.

I was inspired by that movie so much that I have decided to try and conquer something similar to what she did…but on a much smaller level. First, I can NOT cook…so I won’t be doing anything like just in case some of you got really excited for a second. Nope, still won’t see me in my small kitchen preparing ridiculously fabulous meals. Not yet at least…maybe my next home.

For those of you who don’t know, we do own a business so I am constantly looking for great books to read on self improvement as well as leadership. John Maxwell ranks pretty high on the top of my “favorites” list. For Christmas my husband bought me John Maxwell’s Daily Reader…and that is what I am going to be sharing with you all…hopefully on a daily basis. I think the information he has is so applicable to everyone…whether you are just a stay at home parent, have a full/part-time job or own your own business. You can pretty much apply his principles to your life…if you want to 🙂

So, stay tuned to my blog and hopefully I can inspire you to get more out of your life with my “interpretations” and learning’s from John Maxwell! 🙂

*If you want to get a copy of your own, click HERE to find one!*

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