GOSH! The past few years have FLOWN by!! Oh my gosh, I can’t believe Lilianna is in school already!!
It was a very tough decision for us to make, we initally thought we would be homeschooling Lili. But God worked in very mysterious ways to tell us what would be the best thing for her. Man, was he right on!! No surprise there. She just LOVES school! I am never the type of person that will use a “personality” as a reason for doing anything or not doing anything. But, with Lili’s personality, school is right on for her! She is very outgoing, energetic, loves to learn and asks a million questions. Mrs. Pat is going to have her hands full. From the moment I dropped her off and picked her up after her first day, We felt confident in our decision. One of the first things she said to me was, “can we come back tomorrow?” Love it! YAY! 🙂
We started the day off right. Fresh apples and donuts from Robinette’s…YUM!!Daddy and his girls!
My little princess!
Meeting up with her girlfriend Ella – her Mom is who told me about Byron Center Christian School. Funny story actually, her Mom Anya and I were best friends in elementary school. She changed schools and we lost touch, sort of. We would see each other here and there but never stayed in touch. It wasn’t until we ran into each other again at Target right by our houses when we were both pregnant with these precious girls pictured below! We exchanged phone numbers and have been hanging out since!!
Meeting Mrs. Pat for the first time in class…
A couple shots right before going in…as you can see, she was getting sick of the camera…. 🙂