How Mike Found Out!


That pretty much sums up our experience with our latest McAvoy Family news πŸ™‚

During my training for my marathon, my cycle had been a little off. I thought I had a good handle on it.  I knew that I was always a few days late.  Well once I was about 4 days late, I started to think something might be up.  The weekend right before I found out, we had my sister’s bachelorette party up in Traverse City.  I was so busy that weekend, I forgot to notice that I was already 2 days late.  The Monday I got home, still nothing.  So I went out to buy some tests that night…still saying nothing to Mike at this point.  Tuesday morning rolled around and I took a test.  It was positive…I thought….but wasn’t sure because the line was faint. (I took a picture with my phone so I could continue to examine it throughout the day).

I had an appointment with my chiropractor that day as well (who is my very good friend Gretchen).  I hadn’t said anything to anyone yet about the test.  It just so happened that all her appointments left at the same time leaving her and I alone in the exam area.  We were chatting and I said I had to show her something.  I pulled out the picture and she immediately started to smile.  I asked her if she thought there was a light line there, and she practically yelled out a “YES!  Definite line!”  πŸ™‚  I still wasn’t sure…

Wednesday morning came and I took another test.  Again, a faint line. Still, told no one.  Didn’t even call Gretchen because I didn’t know how I felt about the whole situation.

Wednesday, that day, was actually Mike’s 33rd birthday as well.  We had dinner reservations with Aaron and Gretchen downtown at a nice steakhouse (The Chop House).  It was our first time there and Mike was VERY excited to say the least.  I decided to wrap up the test and bring them as a “gift” for Mike.  He saw them in the back of our truck when we were getting ready to leave.  He was shocked that I actually pulled one over on him. 

Well, I was stressing because I knew the waiter was going to ask for my drink order and I full well knew I shouldn’t order anything.  I quickly, uncomfortably got up from the table saying I had to go to the bathroom.  When I got back, I decided to have Mike open his gift then.  Here is what he saw…

He opened it and practically dropped his jaw. Gretchen was ready with her camera and got a video. It is not very good because it was SO dark in the restaurant. But, I still had to share it. The words are priceless. Listen/watch it if you want:

Needless to say, we are getting more and more excited about the idea. The girls still do not know, we are planning on telling them Christmas.  Lili actually asked me about 2 weeks before I found out when we were going to have another baby.  Also at that point, our dog started acting CRAZY too.  I should have put two and two together, but I didn’t. πŸ™‚

Lili looks at this ornament every day and just laughs…”3 Baby, ha ha…isn’t that funny!”


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  1. BEST STORY EVER!! SO excited for you Shannon!!! I of course cried when I watched the video. πŸ™‚

    Where did you find that adorable frog ornament?? I want one to do the same thing!

    Can't wait to hear how the girls respond when you tell them. πŸ™‚ Mylo is SO excited, but Phin doesn't get it yet. πŸ™‚


  2. Oh, I couldn't help laughing at Mike. I'm SOOO glad Gretchen got it on camera so we could all enjoy. πŸ™‚

  3. Oh Kate, I cry all the time…so add pregnancy on to it, sounds like you and I are one in the same πŸ™‚

    The ornament was actually bought at our local mall, there is a kiosk that shows up yearly and we try to do a family ornament every year. Check out your local mall…. *fingers crossed*

    As far as the girls, it's funny because two weeks before I found out, Lili told me I was going to have another baby soon. Pretty funny. It's funny too because she has heard people talk about me being pregnant, but she doesn't know what that word means. When we do tell her, she will probably just say, "I know". πŸ™‚ She has already named the baby too…but a friend has just named her baby that name, so I am already alerting her to that because we will not be having the same name πŸ™‚ I love kids, they are so funny!