Potty Training Day #2

Well, day #2 is under our belt. Whew! Exhausting!

Mike took the day off today to help around the house, what a blessing that was. However, having him around didn’t unfortunately make the day go by any better :(. I did however get a nap when Adalynn went down for a nap because him and Lili took off for a bit.

If I remember, day #2 wasn’t the easiest for Lili. But then day #3 happened and things just clicked. That’s what I’m hoping will happen tomorrow for Adalynn. *Fingers crossed!*

Adalynn had very few successes today, two I think. Lots of accidents. BUT, I can tell she is starting to get it. She is afraid to go on the toilet however. She runs in there, sits down, starts crying, and then wants back up. I feel horrible, but one time I just held her there. She peed, we celebrated and she got her reward. LOL! Not right I’m sure, but I wanted her to see she could do it and wouldn’t get hurt!

My parents took Lili tonight too. Dad stopped by at 5:30 and picked her up. Mike was going to be gone tonight for some meetings, and the thought of having them both here made me cringe. Well, cry actually. I was talking to my mom and just broke into tears. LOL! Gotta love it!

Well, I just realized I haven’t fed the dog dinner yet today. It’s only 9:00…almost 4 hours past when she typically eats. LOL! Off I go…

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