THE MOST important question yet….

Oh where do I even start. Lili has always been a question asker. She started so young. She just wants to know so much, and while it can be annoying, it is super cute quite often.

Well, tonight the all important question was asked.

“Mommy, how do I ask God into my heart?”

My heart dropped. I was speechless. I was so excited.  So…I told her that it was wonderful and that it is a very important choice and that I was so proud of her! BUT….that I thought we should experience this with her Daddy too. Unfortunately, Daddy wasn’t home yet. I am not sure if it was the right thing to say, but keep reading. It all worked out wonderfully! 🙂

Mike got home and I couldn’t update him on our conversation fast enough before Lili started calling out to Daddy to say good night to him. He was gone for about 5 minutes and then came out. He started by saying, Lili asked me a question tonight and then proceeded to tell me what he just did with her, with tears in his eyes.  Priceless. I immediately got tears in my eyes because I wanted to do that together. He didn’t know, and I’m SO thankful it happened. I just wanted to be there too!  Plus, the preggo hormones probably didn’t help!  LOL!

Anyways, Mike told me to go in and tell her congrats and that I was proud of her.  She then asked if we could ask Jesus into her heart as well.  She is a little confused about that – where Jesus and God are and howe we can talk to them but can’t see them.  So, we were able to pray together tonight, the three of us, and helped Lili ask Jesus into her heart.  THE. BEST. DAY. EVER.

One more thing, she asked me if Adalynn could ask Jesus into her heart as well. I told her it was a very important thing and Adalynn had to make that decision for herself. She told me she hopes that Adalynn does soon. Absolutely priceless.

I love my children and I love my life!!! 🙂

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  1. Absolutely amazing!!! This is definitely an answered prayer for many Christian parents. What a wonderful day for you and your husband. This is a true testament of how you raise your children 🙂