A mental challenge for YOU!

Are you happy with the skin you are in?

Are you happy with your life?

If you said no to either of these things, i challenge you. Remember that cliche saying… “When life gives to lemons, why not make lemonade?” Think of the blessings you DO have in life. Cherish those INSTEAD of dwelling on what’s not going good or what doesn’t seem fair. I can promise you that if you think on the good, you will be happier.

I have times when I am down and out. I feel bad for myself and then it’s like a brick knocks me up side the head, only it’s God giving me the awakening I need. We are not where we thought we would be at this stage in “our game”, however where we are does truly rock! Beautiful babies, beautiful marriage, beautiful family. Endless! We are so blessed and that is what I am always awoken to. Thank you Jesus!!

Let’s say you were sitting in a big group. Everyone was told to put their troubles in a bucket. You all then got to pick one back out of the bucket. 9 times out of 10 you would want YOUR troubles back as compared to others it’s really not that bad.

I challenge you today. What are you thankful for and what shall you dismiss as not that big of a deal in the whole scheme of things?

Blessings to you!!

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