Oh yes it did! Take a close look… I guess she is pretty confident with her potty skills now. AND…for the record this is her baby doll’s potty. Oh yah…..NASTY!– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
A contest? Why not!! Come vote for me!
If you follow SIMPLE at all, you may remember that SIMPLE was featured on a Circle of Moms contest – and we WON!! Well I decided to list Shannon Marie Photography on Circle of Moms now too because right now they are hosting a Top 25 Photographer Moms Contest! Click below to vote: So, head […]
"Surprise Baby Event" coming to SIMPLE!
If you have read my blog for a little while now, you know that our Baby #3 wasn’t “planned”. I am SO extremely excited – however we sold so much of our items because we thought we were done having babies! With that being said, did you read my initial post about what’s coming to […]
"Take You Away"
I heard this song and just had to share my feelings on it. Not sure if anyone will relate, but I thought it was very applicable to so many life situations I hear of Some days are just tough. You know what I mean? Seems like nothing is going right. I constantly have to […]
Bubble Guppies….a favorite….
We love Bubble Guppies….as you can see, we love to dance and sing along to it! I think she def has a future in dance
Our Garage Sale…and Adalynn!
Yes, we had a garage sale. And no I wasn’t excited about it LOL! BUt…after getting all th money counted after the first day, we made over $800 between those of us doing it. That made it all worth it!! YAY! AND….a lot of our big items that have just been sitting around are GONE!! […]
Our Memorial Day!
We had a very laid back Memorial Day this year. In the morning we just hung out at home and I was able to get a TON done. I actually went over to our storage unit and organized a bit and then grabbed a bunch of stuff for our garage sale that we are having […]
I love ’em!!
Today the girls were just outstanding! They played together SO well! I love days like this! They made such a mess, but I didn’t care. They played together this morning for well over an hour all by themselves. No drama. No arguments. No needing Mommy. I was able to get ready, showered….makeup…hair dried. It was […]
Lookie what I got!!
I got this for the baby’s room…how friggin’ cute is it?!?! What do you think? You will be able to see more on SIMPLE, coming up. Just not yet. For now, you can check out KnottyBlocks!
Potty Training Day #3!!
Ok, so I am a little late. I should have posted last night, but I sat on the couch with my sweet hubby who went out and picked up a movie and my favorite ice cream. We BOTH deserved that time on the couch…doing NOTHING!! It was awesome! Anyways….Houston, we have SUCCESS!!!! I am […]
Potty Training Day #2.5
Technically we are on day 2.5, but I’ll just round it up to Day 3. At the end of the day now, the work is HOPEFUL! Phew! It was another long one, and yes, I know they all are when we are potty training I was quite concerned at the point when I put […]
Potty Training Day #2
Well, day #2 is under our belt. Whew! Exhausting! Mike took the day off today to help around the house, what a blessing that was. However, having him around didn’t unfortunately make the day go by any better :(. I did however get a nap when Adalynn went down for a nap because him and […]